- Doctorate in Counseling and Family Therapy
- Specializing in Couple, Family, and Individual Therapies
- An experienced Therapist on many insurance panels
- Hours Tu & Th 10am-7pm, Wed.1-7pm.
- For more information or to arrange appointment please call 618.654.1405
- Dr. Boehler is a Licensed Clinical Professinal Counselor and a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist.
- Dr. Boehler earned his Doctorate in Counseling and Family Therapy from Saint Louis University.
- Dr. Boehler has worked more than 20 years in the Highland area. His practice has involved individuals, couples and families.
- Dr. Boehler has been married 20 years.
Professional Qualifications:
- Ph.D in Counseling and Family Therapy from
Saint Louis University
- Masters in Speech Communications from
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
- Masters of Divinity and Master of Arts in Moral Theology degrees from Saint Louis University